January 2023: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data.
The world is still divided in 3 major socio-economic blocks: China controlled by Tencent with WeChat/Weixin (tied to Chinese government), ex USSR countries controlled by Megafon with VK (tied to Russian government) and the rest of the world under the Meta influence. Despite 1 billion users, TikTok is not the leader in any of the countries analysed.
Facebook has 2,96 billion monthly active users and is the leading social network in 157 out of 167 countries (94%). WeChat, the super app, reigns in China with 1,28 billion monthly active users. VK is the leader in Russian territories with around 100 million active users.

If we consider Instant Messenger usage we will end up with a different map, but with the same kind of fragmentation: Meta and Tencent remain the main antagonists, with South Korea mostly ticking to KakaoTalk (developed by Kakao) and Japan preferring LINE (made by Z Holdings, controlled by Softbank Group and Naver Corporation).
WhatsApp, totaling 2 billion daily users, is the most used app in 37 out of 61 nations analysed (West Europe, Russia, Latin America, India, Africa). Facebook leads the way in 8 (including USA and Cananda) and Messenger in 12 (including Australia and East Europe).

January 2022: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data.
The world is divided in 3 major socio-economic blocks: China controlled by Tencent with WeChat/Weixin (tied to Chinese government), ex USSR countries controlled by Megafon with VK (tied to Russian government) and the rest of the world under the Meta influence.
Facebook has 2,9 billion monthly active users and is the leading social network in 156 out of 167 countries (93%). WeChat, the super app, reigns in China with 1,26 billion monthly active users. VK is the leader in Russian territories with around 100 million active users.

If we consider Instant Messenger usage we will end up with a different map, but with the same kind of fragmentation: Meta and Tencent remain the main antagonists, with South Korea mostly ticking to KakaoTalk (developed by Kakao) and Japan preferring LINE (made by Z Holdings, controlled by Softbank Group and Naver Corporation).
WhatsApp, totaling 2 billion users, is the most used app in 37 out of 61 nations analysed (West Europe, Russia, Latin America, India, Africa). Facebook leads the way in 7 (including USA and Cananda) and Messenger in 13 (including Australia and East Europe).

January 2021: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data.
Facebook has 2,6 billion monthly active users and is still growing mostly in Asia Pacific. My analysis shows that it is the leading social network in 154 out of 167 countries (92%). During the last year Russian territories were conquered by VKontakte. WeChat reigns in China.
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di gennaio 2021]
January 2020: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data.

Facebook has 2,5 billion monthly active users and is still growing mostly in Asia Pacific. My analysis shows that it is the leading social network in 151 out of 167 countries (90%). But in the last year has lost Azerbaijan and Georgia, conquered by Odnoklassniki. Ok.ru also won Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Tajikistan.
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di gennaio 2020]
January 2019: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).
I’ve increasead map coverage to add more African countries and, as a result, Facebook appears stronger than ever. Now it is the leading social network in 153 out of 167 countries analyzed (92% of the planet). Zuckerberg has only three antagonists: VK (VKontakte) and Odnoklassniki (part of the same group Mail.ru) in Russian territories, and QZone in China. In Iran, following the state censorship towards Facebook, there’s a chance for Instagram.
But what’s going on behind the first place? Which are the Facebook runner-ups? What would the world be like without Facebook?
Here’s the map showing the second ranked social networks in 58 nations analyzed with SimilarWeb and Alexa.
Instagram is gaining traction as runner-up social network in 44 countries. Twitter resists in 7 territories, Reddit in 3.
All the updated stats about the social networks of the world are in the page Social Media Statistics.
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di gennaio 2019]
January 2018: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).
I’ve increasead map coverage to add more African countries and, as a result, Facebook appears stronger than ever. Now it is the leading social network in 152 out of 167 countries analyzed (91% of the planet). Zuckerberg has only three antagonists: VK (VKontakte) and Odnoklassniki (part of the same group Mail.ru) in Russian territories, and QZone in China. In Iran, following the state censorship towards Facebook, there’s a chance for Instagram.
But what’s going on behind the first place? Which are the Facebook runner-ups? What would the world be like without Facebook?
Here’s the map showing the second ranked social networks in 57 nations analyzed with SimilarWeb and Alexa.
Instagram is the runner-up social network in 23 countries, but in the past 12 months Twitter has gained traction in 22 nations.
Reddit is growing, expecially in the Northern Europe, and this year it has conquered the 2nd place in 7 territories.
All the updated stats about the social networks of the world are in the page Social Media Statistics.
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di gennaio 2018]
January 2017: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).
There are a lot of news since last January: Facebook is still the leading social network in 119 out of 149 countries analyzed, but it was stopped in 9 territories by Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and Linkedin.
It’s interesting to see that in some countries, like Botwana, Mozambique, Namibia, Iran e Indonesia, Instagram wins and that some African territories prefer LinkedIn.
Overall LinkedIn conquers 9 countries, Instagram 7, meanwhile VKontakte and Odnoklassniki (part of the same group Mail.ru) grow up in Russian territories.
In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 632 million users and Japan is the only country where Twitter is the leader.
But what’s going on behind the first place? Which are the Facebook runner-ups? What would the world be like without Facebook?
Here’s the map showing the second ranked social networks in 57 nations analyzed with SimilarWeb and Alexa.
Instagram is the second social network in 37 countries. Since January it has lost Australia, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, United States.
Twitter is struggling for the leadership in 8 nations, especially in Europe, Odnoklassniki is 2nd in Russia, Israel, Germany, Ukraine, VKontakte in Czech Republic, Linkedin in India.
The outsider of this wave is Reddit that conquered the 2nd place in 5 nations: Australia, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand and Norway.
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di gennaio 2017]
January 2016: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).
There are no differences since last August: Facebook is still the leading social network in 129 out of 137 countries analyzed, with near 1,6 billion monthly active users. It has 540 million users in Asia Pacific (+44 million since last December), 323 million in Europe (+12 million), 219 million in USA & Canada (+6 million), 509 million in the rest of the world (+38 million in six months).
Japan is the only country where Twitter is the leader. It has 35 million monthly active users, while Facebook has 25 million.
In Russian territories V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki are still struggling to conquer the market.
In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 653 million users (-6 million users in 6 months). Meanwhile Instant Messaging apps are flourishing: QQ International has 860 million monthly active users and WeChat has 650 million monthly active users (+50 million).
But what’s going on behind the first place? Which are the Facebook runner-ups? What would the world be like without Facebook?
Here’s the map showing the second ranked social networks in 57 nations analyzed with SimilarWeb and Alexa.
Instagram is the second social network in 41 countries. Since August it conquered Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Philippines, Qatar, Switzerland, Taiwan, UAE.
Twitter is struggling for the leadership in 8 nations, especially in Europe, while it lost primacy in Argentina, Philippines, Qatar, Switzerland.
Odnoklassniki is 2nd in Russia, Israel, Germany, Ukraine. Linkedin in India, Reddit in Norway. VKontakte is 2nd in Czech Republic while Facebook is fighting Twitter in Japan.
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di gennaio 2016]
August 2015: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa traffic data and other similar tools for double-check (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).
Just one difference since last December: Facebook has reconquered Latvia, beating Draugiem, the historical local social network.
Zuckerberg’s network, with near 1,5 billion monthly active users, is the dominant social network in 129 out of 137 countries analyzed. It has 496 million users in Asia (+47 million since last December), 311 million in Europe (+10 million), 213 million in USA & Canada (+5 million), 471 million in the rest of the world (+35 million in six months).
In Russian territories V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki are still struggling to conquer the market.
In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 659 million users (+30 million users in 6 months). Meanwhile Instant Messaging apps are flourishing: QQ International has 843 million monthly active users and WeChat has 600 million monthly active users.
But what’s going on behind the first place? Which are the Facebook runner-ups? What would the world be like without Facebook?
Here’s the map showing the second ranked social networks in the most important nations (56 I’ve analyzed thanks to SimilarWeb and Alexa).
Instagram is the second social network in 35 countries, from US to Australia. Twitter is struggling for the leadership in 13 nations, especially in Europe.
Odnoklassniki is 2nd in Russia, Israel and German. Linkedin in India and UAE. Reddit is strong in Canada and Denmark. VKontakte is 2nd in Czech Republic while Facebook is fighting Twitter in Japan.
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di agosto 2015]
December 2014: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa traffic data and other similar tools for double-check (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).
Two important differences since last August:
– Twitter has conquered Japan, according to Alexa and GlobalWebIndex survey
– Facebook is losing ground in Latvia, too, where Draugiem, an historical local social network, is gaining traction
Zuckerberg’s network, with 1,393 billion monthly active users, is the dominant social network in 128 out of 137 countries analyzed. It has 449 million users in Asia (+39 million since last August), 301 million in Europe, 208 million in USA & Canada, 436 million in the rest of the world (+74 million since last August).
In Russian territories V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki are still struggling to conquer the market.
In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 629 million users. Meanwhile Instant Messaging apps are flourishing: QQ International has 829 million monthly active users and WeChat has 468 million monthly active users.
This time I’ve also tracked the first 3 social media used in some countries. As you can see in the table below, Twitter is the second social network in almost all countries, except in Denmark and India. Linkedin is the closest competitor.
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di dicembre 2014]
August 2014: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa traffic data and other similar tools for double-check (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).
Two important differences since last December:
– in Iran, where State censorship towards western social media is still strong, there was a change of habits: Facenama took the place of Cloob
– Facebook conquered two new territories: Latvia, dethroning Draugiem, and Moldova, where Odnoklassniki was the leader. So now Zuck is the “king of Europe” and he also has a bridge to Russian countries, where local networks are still preferred.
Facebook, with 1,317 billion monthly active users, is the dominant social network in 130 out of 137 countries analyzed. It has 410 million users in Asia (+42 million since last December), 292 million in Europe, 204 million in USA & Canada, 362 million in other countries.
In Russian territories V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki are still struggling to conquer the market.
In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 645 million users, followed by Siina Weibo with 503 million registered users (not active users). Meanwhile Instant Messaging apps are flourishing: QQ International has 829 million monthly active users (+1% YoY) and WeChat has 438 million monthly active users (+57% YoY).
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di settembre 2014]
December 2013: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa traffic data (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic).
A few differences since last June but a lot since June 2009. Zuck’s baby is the dominant social network in in 128 out of 137 countries analyzed: in the latest months Facebook lost Kyrgyzstan, but stole Syria from Maktoob.
Facebook has now 1,189 billion monthly active users, but it is growing less rapidly than before (it has added just 34 million active users in 6 months). 351 million users in Asia, 276 million in Europe, 199 million in US & Canada, 362 million in remaining countries (according to Q3 2013 Earnings)
In Russian territories V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki are still struggling to conquer the market.
In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 623 million users, but its growth is slowed by Instant Messaging apps like QQ International (815,6 million monthly active users) and Weixin aka WeChat (271,9 million monthly active users), both owned by Tencent.
In Iran, where it’s hard to access Facebook due to state censorship, the leader is still Cloob.
BUY MY BOOK “Social Media ROI” (in Italian)
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di dicembre 2013]
July 2013: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa traffic data (Google Trends for Websites was shut down on September 2012).
Small differences since December update but a lot since June 2009.
Facebook has now 1.155 billion monthly active users. More than 100 million users in 6 months. Africa + Latam are the largest continents with 346 million users, Asia 339 million, Europe 272 million, US & Canada 198 million users (according to Q2 2013 Earnings)
It’s the dominant social network in in 127 out of 137 countries analyzed: in the latest months Zuckerberg’s Army lost Latvia where Draugiem has 1.282.366 registered users, but won South Korea from QZone.
No significant movements in the rest of the world. In Russian territories V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki maintain the same positions.
In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 611 million users (+10%), followed by Tencent Weibo and Sina Weibo.
In Iran, where it’s hard to access Facebook due to state censorship, the leader is Cloob.
BUY MY BOOK “Social Media ROI” (in Italian)
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di giugno 2013]
December 2012, a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa traffic data (Google Trends for Websites was shut down on September 2012).
Facebook with 1 billion active users has established its leadership position in 127 out of 137 countries analyzed. One of the drivers of its growth is Asia that with 278 million users, surpassed Europe, 251 million, as the largest continent on Facebook. North America has 243 million users, South America 142 million. Africa, almost 52 million, and Oceania just 15 million (source: Facebook Ads Platform). In the latest months Zuckerberg’s Army conquered Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia and Vietnam (update: my data are about visitors, but I’d like to report that Draugiem’s spokeperson told me that they have 1.2 million members in Latvia. Facebook Ads claims 400K members)
In Russian territories there was a long battle between two main local players: V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki. According to Alexa the first is gaining ground and now has 190 million registered users.
In China QZone still dominates the Asian landscape with 552 million users, followed by Tencent Weibo and Sina Weibo. Since the latest update QZone has also conquered South Korea.
In Iran, where it’s hard to access Facebook due to state censorship, the leader is Cloob.
BUY MY BOOK “Social Media ROI” (in Italian)
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di dicembre 2012]
June 2012, a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & Google Trends for Websites traffic data*.
Facebook with more than 845 million active users has established its leadership position in 126 out of 137 countries analyzed (in this edition I’ve added Uganda).
Europe is the largest continent on Facebook with 232 million users, North America has 222 million, Asia 219 million users (Facebook Ads Platform).
Countries where Facebook is not the leader:
– Russian territories where there is an ongoing battle between the two main local players: V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki.
– China where QZone claims 560 million users, followed by Tencent Weibo (337 million) e Sina Weibo (334 million).
– Iran where it’s hard to access Facebook due to state censorship
– Vietnam and Latvia still likely to use local social networks: Zing and Draugiem respectively
Caveat: Google+ stats are not displayed by Google Trends for Websites
Concentration of social networks around the world (animated map) from 17 different top social networks to 7.
Top 3 Social Networking Sites (June 2012 – according to Google Trends for Websites)
If we take a look over Facebook’s shoulders we can see the battle for the second position between Twitter and LinkedIn or, especially in Europe, between Badoo and Twitter.
BUY MY BOOK “Social Media ROI” (in Italian)
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di giugno 2012]
A new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & Google Trends for Websites traffic data* (December 2011).
Facebook with more than 800 million active users has established its leadership position in 127 out of 136 countries analyzed (in this edition I’ve added Afghanistan).
Since June 2011 the largest social networking service of the world has finally conquered Netherlands, and with it the whole Europe, Brazil, after a long struggle against Orkut, and Japan (caveat: a large part of Japananese networking activities are on mobile. Most important players on mobile are Gree, Mobage, Mixi).
Europe is the largest continent on Facebook with 223 million users, North America has 219 million, Asia 202 million users (Facebook Ads Platform).
There’s still an ongoing battle on Russian territories between the two main local players: V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki. According to Google Trends for websites, but not to Alexa, Odnoklassniki is winning (I will change my map when the two sources will say the same).
Evolution of social networks around the world (animated map) from 17 different top social networks to 6.
Top 3 Social Networking Sites (December 2011 – according to Google Trends for Websites)
If we take a look over Facebook’s shoulders we can see the battle for the second position between Twitter and LinkedIn or, especially in Europe, between Badoo and Twitter.
BUY MY BOOK “Social Media ROI” (in Italian)
[Versione italiana dell’analisi di dicembre 2011]
A new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networks by country, according to Alexa & Google Trends for Websites traffic data* (June 2011).
Below you will find an updated version and an infographic poster of all changes since June 2009. You can also see an animated version of all my maps.
Facebook is slowing gaining users around the world (almost 700 millions) establishing its leadership in 119 out of 134 countries analyzed (in this edition I’ve added Ethiopia and Tanzania).
Since December 2010 Zuck’s creature has conquered Iran and Syria, although struggling against censorship. Europe has now became the largest continent on Facebook with 205 million users (Facebook Ads Platform).
Probably Netherlands and Brazil will be the next countries to surrender. According to Alexa Facebook is already the leader there, but Google Trends shows a different picture (I will change my map when the two sources will say the same).
To put this infographic on your web site, just copy and paste the HTML code below:
Signals of changes are coming from Russian territories where there’s a strong battle between the two main local players: V Kontakte and Odnoklassniki.
In Kazakhstan V Kontakte was overtook by Odnoklassniki and the same is happening in Russia (according to Google Trends for Websites only).
Top 3 Social Networking Sites (June 2011)
If we take a look over Facebook’s shoulders we can see the rise of Twitter (in France, Germany and United States) and the slow but constant growth of LinkedIn. New entries since last December analysis highlighted in yellow.
World Map of Social Networks Poster /// LIKE – SHARE – BUY IT
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[Versione italiana dell’analisi di giugno 2011]
A brand new map of the world, showing the most popular social networks by country, according to Alexa & Google Trends for Websites traffic data* (December 2010).
I’ve decided to drop Many Eyes and redesign the map in order to give each social network a fixed colour to ease comparability over time. Below you will find an updated version plus an infographic poster of all changes since June 2009.
Zuckerberg’s creature continues to gain users around the world (almost 600 millions). Since June 2010 Facebook has stolen new important nations from local, previously strong, competitors (in 115 out of 132 countries analyzed it is market leader) especially in Europe. In particular:
– From Iwiw: Hungary
– From Nasza-Klasa: Poland
– From Hi5: Mongolia
– From Orkut (Google): Paraguay and India. Orkut remains the first social network in Brasil.
In Japan Mixi is still the most used web-based social network (Ameba that I previously mentioned it’s not a pure social networking site, but also a portal/blog-hosting provider). But if we look to mobile social networks usage the leader is Gree followeb by Mobage Town. [edited thanks to the insights from Akky Akimoto]
The situation remains unclear in Armenia, Georgia, Netherlands. In these countries Alexa gives victory to Facebook, but Google Trends for Websites still shows a predominance of local players.
Top 3 Social Networking Sites (December 2010)
If we take a look over Facebook’s shoulders we can see the rise of Twitter especially against MySpace (in Australia, Canada, Germany and Italy) and the slow but constant growth of LinkedIn (in Australia, Canada, UK). New entries since last June analysis highlighted in yellow.
World Map of Social Networks Poster /// LIKE – SHARE – BUY IT
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[Versione italiana dell’analisi di dicembre]
A map of the world, showing the most popular social networks by country, according to Alexa & Google Trends for Websites traffic data* (June 2010).
Please share, like and help me to improve it with your comments !

Some visible changes to highlight since December 09 map (see below): Month after month Facebook continues to gain users around the world (almost 500 millions). Since December 2009 Facebook has stolen new nations from its local competitors (in 111 out of 131 countries analyzed it is market leader). In particular:
– From Orkut (Google): Estonia and maybe India (Alexa gives India to FB, while Google Trends for Websites shows an head to head match with Orkut as winner. If you take a look at keywork searched graph you’ll se a growing interest towards the American social network. The same trend is visible in Paraguay).
– From Hi5: Thailand, Romania, Peru, Portugal. Hi5 resists in Mongolia where the situation is unclear.
– From One: Lithuania
– From Wretch: Taiwan
– From Friendster: Philippines Odnoklassniki and V Kontakte still remains the social networks preferred by Russian people
In Europe: Hungary, Poland and Netherlands still love local providers.
P.S. the situation is unclear in Armenia, Georgia, India, Mongolia, Paraguay.
Top 3 Social Networking Sites (June 2010)
One year after the previous ranking table (below) we can see the rise of Twitter against MySpace (in Australia and Canada) and Bebo (in UK) and the slow growth of Linkedin.
A map of the world, showing the most popular social networks by country, according to Alexa & Google Trends for Websites traffic data* (December 2009).
Please share and help me to improve it with your comments !

Some visible changes to highlight from June map (see below):
– Facebook continues its colonization of the world with more than 350 millions users. Since June Facebook conquered new territories from its competitors (in 100 out of 127 countries analyzed it is market leader). In particular:
– From Orkut (Google): India. Caution: data based on Alexa only, because Google doesn’t provide Orkut traffic data. It could be interesting to understand if these two social networks are mirroring social class divisions.
– From Hi5: Cameroon, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua. Hi5 resists in Peru, Portugal, Romania, Thailand and Mongolia
– From Odnoklassniki: Azerbaijan only. It seems that Facebook hasn’t found a good strategy to convince Russian people that still prefer Odnoklassniki and V Kontakte.
– From Maktoob: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen
– From Cyworld: South Korea
– From Lidé: Czech Republic
– From Skyrock: Guadeloupe and Martinique I’ve added to the map: Cuba, Qatar, Reunion
I’ve deleted Iran because censorship situation doesn’t allow me to get reliable data. If you have any insight please help me.
A map of the world, showing the most popular social networks by country, according to Alexa & Google Trends for Websites traffic data* (June 2009).
Please share and help me to improve it with your comments !

Top 3 Social Networking Sites:
Some visible patterns to highlight:
– Facebook has almost colonized Europe and it’s extending its domination with more than 200 millions users
– QQ, leader in China, is the largest social network of the world (300 millions active accounts)
– MySpace lost its leadership everywhere (except in Guam)
– V Kontakte is the most popular in Russian territories
– Orkut is strong in India and Brazil
– Hi5 is still leading in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and other scattered countries such as Portugal, Mongolia, Romania
– Odnoklassniki is strong in some former territories of the Soviet Union
– Maktoob is the most important Arab community/portal
Other country specific social networks:
– Iwiw in Hungary
– Nasza-klasa in Poland
– Cyworld in South Korea
– Friendster in Philippines
– Hyves in Netherlands
– Lidé in Czech Republic
– Mixi in Japan
– One in Lithuania
– Draugiem in Latvia
– Wretch in Taiwan
– Zing in Vietnam
* Data based on Alexa & Google Trends for Website results:
– “Alexa’s traffic rankings are based on the usage patterns of Alexa Toolbar users and data collected from other, diverse sources over a rolling 3 month period. A site’s ranking is based on a combined measure of reach (unique Alexa users who visit a site on a given day) and pageviews (the total number of Alexa user URL requests for a site).”
– “Google Trends for Websites shows you a graph reflecting the number of daily unique visitors”